Monday, May 28, 2012

28th May 2012

Don't know what to say today.
Not really have mood today...
Monday blue?
Starting to hate my current life?
hmmm, I'm bore because there is nothing can make me feel interesting to my job.

Hate that I need to waste my time every morning just because waiting for someone open the door for me.
I feel bad while waiting.
I'm not the people that patience to wait... :(

I hope someone can talk with me when I'm down.
But who can?
Everyone got their own life, I don't really want to disturb them.
I want all my friends that I love to live happy.
So, I try to don't share my problem with them :P

Hope time pass faster and fastest!
I want trains myself for few more months!

PS: Can Saturday come faster too? :S


1 comment:

Henry Tan said...

well perhaps its time to change? change a job, change a life?
cheer up and be positive! =DDD