Tuesday, September 18, 2012

17th September 2012

Spent a whole day with family today.
After had lunch at home with mummy, we went out to buy some grandmum's favorite and mooncake as the gifts.
Mummy and I chat with grandmum about an hour and we decided brought grandmum to go to my aunt's house along.
Happy family chatting time at aunt's house. It's had been quite long time I didn't feel so comfortable and happy with family. Talking our childhood story,etc. Love the moments when we talk about the funny parts then laugh together:) I feels warm. I appreciate the warmth of my family. 

We finished our happy hour about five o'clock. After fetched grandmum back to her place, mummy and I back home.

Six o'clock. Our dinner time :D
I brought mummy to Ritch Cafe for the dinner.
Our mother+daughter time 

I order,

Smoked Duck Pasta

Didn't try this before but it's really taste good!! *thumbs up*

Mummy order,

Grill Chicken with Mushroom Sauce

Mummy said the sauce was tasteless. :(

Gonna bring mummy go again and order some nice one for her next time.

Kay, gotta sleep now.
Just a simple daily post here.
Good night. zzzzZ


1 comment:

Henry Lee said...

lovely food! good night! :)