Thursday, December 2, 2010

01-12-2010 Brand new month

Happy December !!
A brand new month to all people:)

What I want to say is...
Time flies...
2010 is going END soon.

I waste 1 year and do nothing in this year.    *hmmm,maybe got a lot of shirt and bla bla bla~
Will get better in next year?XD

Remember I got mention in last post that my baby boy's sister had a operation today?
1.15pm,she done her operation.
Went there and had lunch with baby boy and his mummy:)
His sister came out the operation room around 2.15pm.

This iron stick(but all people call it "iron sheet")in her leg around 1 year plus.

I was so admired her courage!!
Hope she can recover soon:)

Went pasar malam(night market) with Yeehan.
Felt good when gathered with her~
She just like my sister.

back home for bath after visit baby boy's sister.
yam cha with Orijin,Lion fei and Hochak around 9.30pm.
Discuss and plan the KL trip and BBQ at beach.

Can't wait the shopping time at KL X)
Hope Yeehan can go with us too.

God blessing everyone!!

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