Saturday, November 27, 2010

Facial Day

Went True Harmony with Yeehan today.

I went to Yeehan's home around 3pm.
After pick her,we went to KM.

I bought my "Cai Cai" there!!
So excited!   *hehess!

baby boy and Caicai(菜菜)

Appointment was at 5pm.
So we decided went to ground floor high tea.

Sour tea..Ooopzz,is "Lemon Green Tea".hmmm,coz it's too sour><

Chat a lot of secondary school's things with yeehan.
So cheerful nia~ X)

4.5+pm,    *I think.Not really sure what time we went there ady,XD.
Facial time!!

casual look:)

Cute yeehan!!
Because she asked me:"Eiii,need to take off pants?" and she was taking off her pants.
She thought need to take off her pants.    *non-stop laughing!!
But anyway,I stopped her and she's cute.
Hmmm,don't know how to take photo when we're facial-ing. ==   *lolx

What I felt when I was facial-ing today?
The answer is——PAIN.

Red face after facial><

Done facial.
Is time to plan the next.
Diet?   *hahasss

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