Thursday, November 24, 2011

Bento for baby boy DAY 3

It's finally DAY3! xD
I was so sick on day 3.
Prepared this bento spent me about two more hours.

And the results here...

Lovely onigiriおにぎり (rice ball)

onigiri おにぎり

egg roll

Actually this is a little octopus , but I failed to fry it.

Chicken cocktail & Crab flavored filament in heart shape :P

Finally I did it!
It's sweet when I saw he was eating the bento :D
Feel wanna cook more cute + eat-able bento !
But let me do some research first!xD
Aza aza !!


Kuya mo Em said...

hahaha. so cute. i also want that. :)

bendan said...

Hahaha~ I feels like doing bento too... for myself. Hahahaha!! So cute!! Your bf must have to love you much. =]

leyrashid said...

very nice and looks emmmmmmmm

caro xin said...

you can go for this website for more information about bento
hope it help u lots <3