Friday, October 14, 2011

Mummy's birthday 071011

I'm so late to blog about this post. Lol
My mum starting to ask me "why you didn't blog about my birthday?" Yup! She is one of my readers! :D

Just a super simple dinner with her and baby boy.
Baby boy and I celebrated with her on her chinese birthday.
So mummy treated us this time :D   *thank you 
She'd celebrated twice this year huh~XD

No more western food or fast food this time.
We decided went a restaurant and called our favorite dishes.

咕噜肉Gulaorou(sweet and sour pork with fat) my favorite

紫菜汤seaweed soup. three of us love this

姜葱鱼片fishslices with ginger and onion. baby boy's favorite.

铁板豆腐sizzling stuffed beancurd. My favorite.

马来风光spicy morning glory(sambal kangkung) baby boy's favorite

Four dishes and one soup.
Just only me,mum and baby boy.We ate so much and full till wanna vomit that night.lmao
But it's really tasty and what I learnt was...don't order so much dishes next time!XD We really can't finish it all at last.It's so wasted.

I don't like cake so I just bought a small chocolate cake for mummy:)

Happy Birthday to you 


Isaac Tan said...

happy bday to your mum

Maple Cheong said...

thank you Isaac :)

Anonymous said...

i like fish ginger/ spring onion dish ^^ Happy belated birthday to your mom

Henry Tan said...

lol! happy birthday maple's mum!

and... your mummy so cute!
"why you didn't blog about my birthday?"
a big LOL!

Maple Cheong said...

Thanks Elaine :)

Henry: Thanks~Yup~I'm quite surprised when she asked meXD