Saturday, October 2, 2010

Gathering with my Supergirls

1st October 2010

Gathering with my Supergirls.
Went out to pick them around 7.30pm.
Reached KM around 7.50pm.

Saw a few of stall there.
Selling Korea's food.
We wera so excited!!(Maybe just only me was the crazy one,lolx)

Korea's food.辣炒年糕. *thumb up!!

Capture time!!

Witchery after shopping 

Sing K at U-box 

ps*Orijin went out with her "Auntie Lucy" for his dinner!!

Yam cha with How,Yao,Orijin+her bf,Sam and the birthday guy——Seng.
Happy Birthdae Seng Seng
pps*Yeehan back home ady coz she can't stay outside too late.

Home Sweet Home

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