Thursday, September 9, 2010


My mood was keep plaintive recently.
Because Sophie is leaving on this Friday.
She's go to Taiwan for study :'C
I think we will feel uncomfortable without her.

We got a lot of memories that we won't forget.
And I believe you will soon become used when you're live in Taiwan.
Like what said in Facebook,
虽然我们四年不能见面 但我们的心和精神会一直与你同在
当你觉得累了 想家了 就拿我们大家的照片出来看看
要知道 你在我们心中 都是最坚强的

Kinda miss you :'''(


However that's not a long time we're meet.
But I treat you as my best friend already.
So,don't forget me ok?   ps*Especially my ang pow
Hope you will miss me too :)
See you in CNY 2011 ~

I know my blog died ady=="
Forgive me

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