Saturday, October 15, 2011

151011 wtf

I feel like wanna write a wtf on my face.
Cleaning up my table just now and these little drawers then find out quite a lot of things.I mean watches, necklaces, rings, bla blaa blaaa...
And I totally forget them and some of them even is new one.  wtf waste!

After I count...

I have six watches, include I'm always wear that one.

Sixteen pairs of earrings. Few of these earrings was gift by babe Nelissa Luffy,Jewel and sweetie Seejia.

Ten bracelets. I only wear the most simple one.

Six necklaces. Only wear my favorite M 

Two rings. :P

I will try to not forget them again. Lol
Or give it to mum it too fashion and bling bling to mummy?

Gotta sleep now.
Good morning + Good night zzzZ
Don't judge me ok? :)


Brocade Blue said...

lol, i grew out of trinkets!

Agnes Sim said...

wow...6 watches??!! how u keep your those accessories in nicely? my drawer always in messy :S