Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Always don't have time to blog on weekend.
Sorry guys :(

I feel bad recently and I haven't find out my problem.
Friends?   Nope.
Boyfriend?   Nope.
Family?   Nope.

I don't know why.
But I heard something from my mum and I felt so bad after heard that.
We feel Grandmum's health is not in good condition recently.
I'm so sad when heard this from mum.
I think no one can stay clam when their family's members facing some problem like mine.
I even don't know what can I do...
So emo when thinking and blogging about this :(

People,please love and treat them with filial piety.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hope your grandma gets well soon... don't be sad but be strong for her! :)